Monday, July 11, 2005

Trackers (not the Geo/Chevy version)

This is a shot of the trackers laying on the floor of the shop after sorting. I feel another definition coming on.......

Tracker: the physical device (usually a long thin piece of wood) that connects the key to the pallet.

An instrument can have many trackers, and it may take several trackers connected by squares to get from the key to the pallet.

Square: A wood or metal device that changes the orientation of the physical energy carried by trackers.

Several are warped or broken. The broken ones that can be repaired will be and the others will be replaced with new wood inthe old style. The warped ones will be straightened by hanging them with a weight at the bottom. Steam is then applied to relax the wood.

That is NOT a cat at the top of the picture, it is the company Vermin Control Unit.

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