Tuesday, March 14, 2006

VCU w/CAT Module

Here is "Kitty" our VCU system w/CAT module. For those that don't know, here are the definitions:

VCU "Vermin Control Unit"
CAT "Capture All Trespassers"
Kitty "Kill It! Terrible Terrible Yucky"

(Yes, it has been a VERY long winter!)

We Are Still Here!

I know, it has been over two months since I posted......I have been busy. We have several contracts out for approval. Next week, we are heading up to Valley City, ND to install a new console control system at St. Catherines Church. The parts have come in and they are looking sharp. Of course there will be pictures.

In the mean time, I want to thank the people of St. Matthew the Martyr Church, Sioux Falls. They came out for a work day to raise funds for a church project. 9 people actually showed up and put in four hours of work helping me clean and straighten the shop (read: move heavy stuff). They have already agreed to return this spring or early summer to help again.....

For those that remember the VCU w/Cat module, I have enclosed a picture. The cat module has been winterized and is always on the watch. Intruders, watch out, this thing will love you to death!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Chiming In.....

Hi all,

I am happy to announce that we will be restoring the electronic chime action at the Epworth United Methodist Church in Valley City, ND. The work will include removing the small additional keyboard that was orginally installed and inserting a new set of contacts under the appropriate keys of the lower manual. We will then rewire the contacts to the Generator Unit and also provide an on/off/volume switch on the nameboard of the instrument.

This is just one of the many types of upgrades that we can provide to our customers. Pictures of the process with be forthcoming once the work is complete. Completion is scheduled for the end of January 2006.