Tuesday, March 14, 2006

VCU w/CAT Module

Here is "Kitty" our VCU system w/CAT module. For those that don't know, here are the definitions:

VCU "Vermin Control Unit"
CAT "Capture All Trespassers"
Kitty "Kill It! Terrible Terrible Yucky"

(Yes, it has been a VERY long winter!)

We Are Still Here!

I know, it has been over two months since I posted......I have been busy. We have several contracts out for approval. Next week, we are heading up to Valley City, ND to install a new console control system at St. Catherines Church. The parts have come in and they are looking sharp. Of course there will be pictures.

In the mean time, I want to thank the people of St. Matthew the Martyr Church, Sioux Falls. They came out for a work day to raise funds for a church project. 9 people actually showed up and put in four hours of work helping me clean and straighten the shop (read: move heavy stuff). They have already agreed to return this spring or early summer to help again.....

For those that remember the VCU w/Cat module, I have enclosed a picture. The cat module has been winterized and is always on the watch. Intruders, watch out, this thing will love you to death!